Not 100% sure :/ As a temporary thing you can copy your save file from time to time and if this happens then just load it back in. In discord someone might be able to give you a save file that's around the progress you were at ;)
I was thinking it was bc you're changing the content of the a tags whenever there's a level upgrade and that changing the content of the tags would make them flicker in and out of existence, but I just did something like that (changing the content at requestAnimationFrame speed) and it still registered clicks, on both buttons and anchors so idk what bug causes this
Bug is coming from too many updates to DOM elements when gaining levels quickly. It's fixable but I'm working on the full version so fixing this has been very low on priority list :)
Is something up with Defense scaling? I've been investing into Defense for the past ocuple resets, but my skeleton Defense when I start each round is the same at 324.77%. 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
I think there's a visual bug with that works correctly under the hood but in the info panel is slightly wrong :) which is only a bug during initial floors I think on each reset
I've been following the game for about a year now, I'm waiting for the next update to review it again and see what changes have been made, Hoping for better balance regarding the upgrades / prestige : ) Happy Xmas.
Sorry about that. Those are "Waitlist" souls which you can see in when you login with your email. Game souls are different and can only be acquired through playing :) I should have named them differently :D
how do wights and Grim reapers actually generates xp/skeletons? Are they slowly doing so overtime or give me a bonus amount of xp/skeletons based on the remaining foes?
Not sure what happened there :( Were you far along, if not you can try to clear localstorage/cookies for the game or try playing on
also…another suggestion..if you could add something like a storyline every 100 lvl till 400 then every 25 lvls or something like that it’d be awesome…because if you unlock all the trophies and such it becomes a bit monotonous.thnx ;)
umm…ok I’m facing a few issues-1)when I’m fighting,the fight is rly slower than normal..(it’s lagging) and 2) when I click on skills the whole game hangs…the money and generation keeps working but I’m not able to click on anything else…it’ll be helpful if you could tell what to do..thnx ^^
Just wait a little bit and it should improve or enter the battle and let your wights die as they are causing the issue (I think) where you're gaining levels too quickly and it locks the buy buttons on skills menu :)
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i'm wondering if there's a set of skills that is most advantageous
getting learning as your first skill is super useful. helps you unlock other skills faster. and necromancy increases the rate of producing units.
also i personally like using calm. helps keep my numbers up.
idea: make a mobile version for the sequel
i love the game
I mean, this does work on mobile
i mean making a download option
It's all gone... why?
Mainly due to lack of cloud save - sorry about that :) Full version will have that so this won't be an issue then :)
But how? I literally closed the tab briefly by accident before I remembered to spend gold I had before bed.
Not 100% sure :/ As a temporary thing you can copy your save file from time to time and if this happens then just load it back in. In discord someone might be able to give you a save file that's around the progress you were at ;)
the skill upgrades keep flickering in and out of existence too fast to register me clicking on them...
I was thinking it was bc you're changing the content of the a tags whenever there's a level upgrade and that changing the content of the tags would make them flicker in and out of existence, but I just did something like that (changing the content at requestAnimationFrame speed) and it still registered clicks, on both buttons and anchors
so idk what bug causes this
Bug is coming from too many updates to DOM elements when gaining levels quickly. It's fixable but I'm working on the full version so fixing this has been very low on priority list :)
This is so much fun and I maybe upgrading the skeleton skill so much that I have close to a million skely
im at 1 qa lol
Hey Martin Tale, how do you like your coffee?
As a tea :D
ah, so you prefer french press style?
If it presses tea then yes :D
Is this game still being worked on?
This one - no, but we're making a sequel :)
What happened to my save? All my progress just got reset.
Idk same happened here
are vampires any good?
The wiki doesn't work. I would really appreciate tips on how to get the hidden T3 achievements
Yep, wiki was removed for some reason :(
You can find all tips in Discord -
Thank you
Is something up with Defense scaling? I've been investing into Defense for the past ocuple resets, but my skeleton Defense when I start each round is the same at 324.77%. 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
I think there's a visual bug with that works correctly under the hood but in the info panel is slightly wrong :) which is only a bug during initial floors I think on each reset
What's that button next to the "?" Button with the emoji?
It's theme switcher :) Unlocks after you complete Tier 1 trophies ;)
Ok thx
Ok thx
Ok thx
Ok thx
Woop woop 100 defence!!!
Day 2 have the skeleton and zombie and almost have the Wight generators and unlocked bone dragon all at lv.19
Luv the game
oranges are cool
hello :)
WOAHHHH NO WAYYYY!! thank you SO much uwu i love your game btw. it's so fun and all of my friends are competing with me o.o
do the soul colours impact things like attack, defence and generation rates or is it cosmetic.
Just cosmetic :)
Lies and betrayal!
Hehe :D Forgot about that :)
lol why does the “premium theme” look so hideous. I’d be so mad if I paid for that.
I mean you're not wrong but still, rude
yoooo 1 bi skeletons
2t skeletons lessgoo
a quad skeletonsss
Got to stage 204 atm with things costing 100k Qa, and on T2 challenges. Enjoying the game so far.
Love this game
I've been following the game for about a year now, I'm waiting for the next update to review it again and see what changes have been made, Hoping for better balance regarding the upgrades / prestige : ) Happy Xmas.
how can I get good quick?
idle just make want you want the most then do something else
I think you should make a pc app for steam or desktop
There will be a steam version of the new game ;)
Hey, I'm just wondering if anybody can help me? I verified my email but it still says that I have 0 souls. Is there something that I'm doing wrong?
Sorry about that. Those are "Waitlist" souls which you can see in when you login with your email. Game souls are different and can only be acquired through playing :) I should have named them differently :D
Yeah, the "waitlist" souls are the ones I'm talking about. I logged in and received the verification email but it still won't give me the souls.
If you're in our discord then ping me there or you can send me an email to Either way, I will sort it out for you ;)
Ok, thank you sooooo much. :)
how do wights and Grim reapers actually generates xp/skeletons? Are they slowly doing so overtime or give me a bonus amount of xp/skeletons based on the remaining foes?
They generate exp while out of combat :)
note: wights only generate XP during combat before you get the stage 2 wight special achievement
I'm not sure what happened, but I can't seem to play anymore?
Not sure what happened there :( Were you far along, if not you can try to clear localstorage/cookies for the game or try playing on
pretty fun game
Great game, mate!
the secret trophies in tier 3 don’t have any kind of bonus?like in tier 1 and tier 2??
Nop, they are just for fun and dedication for completionists like me :D
Oh ok haha
.;-; how did my premium theme open even though I haven’t completed all tier 3 trophies yet?
You only have to complete Tier 1 to unlock it ;)
wut?!XDD I never noticed
can anyone please give me hints for 2 tier 3 trophies?..silver chalice and the hound
You can find them in spoilers section at ;)
Ohh thnx ;)
URL no longer works says
"Not a valid community" could someone share some secret trophy tips, Ive only gotten silver chalice
(Copied the makers words)
"Yep, wiki was removed for some reason :(
You can find all tips in Discord - "
Is coin production based off of level of exp, or the stage number?
Stage number ;)
Thanks! :)
Game is so cool! I love you, developer! Very good idle game! Game in development? You can add new updates? please, you cool!
also…another suggestion..if you could add something like a storyline every 100 lvl till 400 then every 25 lvls or something like that it’d be awesome…because if you unlock all the trophies and such it becomes a bit monotonous.thnx ;)
There won't be a storyline in this game but I'm working on a sequel which will feature that ;)
ohh nice!!I’m looking forward to it ^^
umm…ok I’m facing a few issues-1)when I’m fighting,the fight is rly slower than normal..(it’s lagging) and 2) when I click on skills the whole game hangs…the money and generation keeps working but I’m not able to click on anything else…it’ll be helpful if you could tell what to do..thnx ^^
Just wait a little bit and it should improve or enter the battle and let your wights die as they are causing the issue (I think) where you're gaining levels too quickly and it locks the buy buttons on skills menu :)
oh ok..the wights we’re giving levels like 10/s that might’ve been the cause thnx
you can bypass the problem by using an auto clicker to click abt 3 times with an inhumanly short interval; I use iMouseTrick.
is there any upper limit for the stages??
There is not :)
oh thnx for the info ^^